Shakespeare Martineau

1970 days ago

Kerboom: Julie Meyer leaves another solicitor unpaid - damning court documents published

Oh dear, Oh dear. At the start of this year Julie "lingerie on expenses" Meyer MBE and her Ariadne Group of ponzis had unpaid bills with Nineteen serperate law firms. Then she hired Shakespeare Martineau to battle brave Henry Gewanter and others. Guess what?  Shakespeare Martineau has filed court documents explianing why it is no longer acting for this wretched woman and they are damning. I publish them in full below. Meyer's new lawyers are a small firm called Cunningtons LLP. I do hope it is not spending all the sums they are invoicing for just yet! The court filing speaks for itself... 


2016 days ago

Exclusive: Julie Meyer vs Henry Gewanter: when you tell enough lies eventually you confuse even yourself!

You may remember that PR man Henry Gewanter has taken Julie “Lingerie on Expenses” Meyer to court over unpaid bills. On 2nd August Gewanter won his case because Ms Meyer simply failed to file a defence. But now using the firm of Shakespeare Martineau, her 19th lawyers, most of the other 18 having failed to receive payment, Ms Sex Toys on expenses has struck back in her own, typically mendacious, way….
